None of you will believe me yet, will you? But I have proof that Anonymous 'hacker' is fake.

Got enough proof? The MSP staff have not been hacked. Look at all of the pictures... It explains everything. Someone spread rumours around and it got out of hand.. seriously. there is nothing to worry about. Still don't get it? THERE IS NO HACKER, NO ANONYMOUS..ok?
Got enough proof? The MSP staff have not been hacked. Look at all of the pictures... It explains everything. Someone spread rumours around and it got out of hand.. seriously. there is nothing to worry about. Still don't get it? THERE IS NO HACKER, NO ANONYMOUS..ok?
hiya thanks for that one of the anonymouses said the others were gonna hack me and i commented on another of ur posts earlier can u help me get my blog creative ? but not like urs coz tht would be copying ? p.s i believed you from the start xD
ReplyDeleteI WILL HACK IM REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteHi I'm emilyapril123 and today I got hacked but g
DeleteThey just changed my status so I'm confused
I love you.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I love you too;'] xox
DeleteThis is a very interesting site. My name Is SweetieM, I play social games like, MSP, ourWorld and IMVU. I participate in global sites associated to these games, I was wondering if you could contact me separately on MSP for any open positions for your site? I also would like to know if you'd like to create a youtube channel which shows the TRUTH about hackers/people.
DeletePlease contact me on MSP,i'd really like to speak with you. :']
Name on MSP: SweetieM
wow im amazed yaya sghe is fake!
ReplyDeletea FAKE I TELL U TODAY EVER1 was lik AHH SHES BACK NO 1 IS SAFE AHHHH i got hacked by her dont belive them
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Anonymous shortmovie?
Deleteits a fake and evry one knows anonymous is real but doesnt hack ervy ine is SAFE!!! SHES NOT REAL :o I KNOW THIS SOUNDS STUPID BUT I LOGGED IN WITH HER ON MY SCREEN AND IT LOADED ONTO MY ACCOUNT AND I LOGGED BACK IN AND IT WAS OK NOTHING HAPPENS TO ur account dont get worried 4 nothing guys
Deletelook people. go here for proof that she is real!! i know it and you should to!!!!
Deleteand BTW the anonymous stuff is at the bottom
DeleteThis does make it more fake but there is a real group of Hackers called Anonymous and they hacked Facebook, Twitter, government and more and even cause some sites to blackout so dont go tellin everyone that it is fake when its not so heres some advice go to youtube look up Anonymous and watch some of the videos that come up and then log onto MSP and tell me aka FashionStar15 what you think now
ReplyDeleteAnonymous is fake people. DONE. End of conversation.
ReplyDeleteI Knew she's fake.. But I'm not gonna be extra positive YET...
ReplyDeleteJeez people there is a actual group and i doubt the REAL group is hacking MSP wht would they be doing on a kids site but really there is a group who wants to blow up the London Olympics and shut down Facebook, Twitter, etc. really people ;(
ReplyDeleteBlazer-Mae: Haha!! That is SO true!!
ReplyDeleteOrange: Should've thought about that post Blazer-Mae.. =.=
No thërë ñøt bëçæüsë ïm åm øñē sō thêrè
DeleteGO ON YOU LOTTIE!!!! you show em anyway i heard about that girl anoymous why not go on for even more proof this anoymous is just someone that wants attention duh
ReplyDeletesilentsilver xx
Hey my Friend said That He got hacked but im to scared to go sleep now :( Help me Im soo scared if they hack me but i belive then THERE NOT TRUE But still scared But, Thanks for the Lottie (: Please add me ~Hannah985~ but dont do the ~ :P
ReplyDeleteDon't worry cause I don't worry too much cause in the end it's still only a game, it won't physically harm you.
Deleteshe was in my room yesterday august 5th
ReplyDeleteadd me im alyssacelebrity101
maybe it's just a buggy?
DeleteI hate anonymous.few days ago she said she will hack my movie star in 3 days and on the third day..............
lol that proves that this one was fack.
and also that one of my freinds have heard of anonymouse and thought it was clever trying to do that and now she isnt my freind.If you agree that anonymouse needs to go down please freind me on MSP. Username: Honey12347095
haha ;D
Deletebut anonymous hackers are real i did alot of reasearch and if it was i ur room was it wearing a mask or not!!
ReplyDeleteit's probably a fake don't worry because in a chatroom today i said 'an' and then 'o' and then a person with purple hair called 'anon (stronger than ever) was there :o should I be afraid?
DeleteI am doing my research too :)
(same person who put about the anon stronger than ever) lol u published that on my b-day :p
Deletehi how do u do bolgs like this
ReplyDeleteWhat is your username on msp? I will message you x
DeleteHellurr [: can u please add me on msp ? Schneiderxmonkeys and how do u know what a moderator says ? it interests me :D
Deleteyou know what I find very stupid. I can no longer on MSP. you have tips for me please xxx Naomi
Deletelets hear this story above but I do not remember my name and I could not tell you please remove
Deletei'm kinda scared idk what to believe some my friends say anonymous is real on mps others say not anonymous isnt real on msp idk what to believe...
ReplyDeleteI don't either -.-
DeleteHiya how do you make blogs like this?
ReplyDeletePlease message me back on MoviestarPlanet
MovieStarPlanet name = BabygirlDemi
P.S: I put my name in the comments box publicy so if any other users wanna add me on MSP feel free!
-BabygirlDemi xxx
ReplyDelete~MoviestarPlanet Team
How do I talk to moderators on msp whats your names
Deletewhen you block someone and the moderator responds back. it says you cant chat to moderators. so you press the plus button to chat to someone else. choose someone send them a message and it will actually send it to the moderator. i saw this on YouTube so if it doesn't work don't blame me. Message me on my msp account: tifenica
DeleteNow i have ur advice ill tell every1 xTHANKYOU!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteP.S im not anonymous
ReplyDeleteWAIT HOLD IT! Its not explained fully what about the level ones posting on the forums Hmmm? MAYBE THEY WERE HACKED? trying to hide it from us.. with this! thinking we would fall for their thing so no one would panic hm? think about it! it could be all just a cover for what really happened just so the real story wont go out.. just saying.. think about it. ~E
ReplyDeleteTHX for advice
ReplyDeleteadd moi im Softball_Player
ReplyDeleteim so glad............. people on youtube just keep on posting some ridiculos things how shez out 2 get u and blah blah blah im so glad that someone is saying that she aint real but thats what they think iv got a realy close freind well actualy neighbour said that her cousin got a msp and she was going 2 be v.i.p 4 a week some time later she found a girl caled anonymous that was givin her a warning saying u cant be v.i.p dont be vip. but the cousin wasnt woried and the next day she found out she got blocked becoz she tried her user & pass 4 so much times and it still didnt not here 2 frighten u guys im just saying some people do some fake things yeh and try and hak u but they just want u 2 be scared by blokin u........just saying... anonymous just want to take the mik out of people THATS IT!!!
ReplyDeleteok so she is scary yesh! but i dont think she real im mean lotties proof was good friend me im ~ loldog2468 (: thanx guys
ReplyDeleteanonymous fake? really people??? friend me peeps i got hacked ally9860 , kitty2soft2paws , those are my two vip accounts
ReplyDeleteShe is real i know she is She could of actually DID hack the moderator and pretended that she didn't and say on her signature nothing happened thats why the mod is wearing purple hair she could of stopped with the mod and keep the mod forever.
ReplyDeleteI think anonymous moderator has hacked and that there is written that no need to fear! that can it?
ReplyDeleteI've seen pictures of much evidence anonymously! evidence on pictures I saw a cafe with a very wired name 34ifngg345 something with this thing was! but they can also have photoshopped but msp she prompted me as a friend! and I've seen her in a cafe but maybe that was fake but maybe there are real! happy as I now look msp are the Dutch no longer anonymous all banned. But wait! I've found a video on youtube with much evidence! look.
On the other hand, I still think anonymous fake but I am terrified
Anonymous IS fake my friend had a purple hair girl on her login screen doing the animations but she logged on anyway and she wasnt hacked!!! Anonymous s just somebody trying to scare you dont be scared. So anyway my friend saw Anonymous on MSP and went to click on her profile put for some random reason just before she clicked on it Anonymous said STOP!!! and of course y friend Ella didnt stop and Anonymous changed her status with anybody who clicks on my profile will pay!!! my friend was V.I.P so she was super scared!! and she was about to get on to level 12. Ella went straight out and found a creepy chat room. Then after she started talking to Anonymous and said please please please dont hack me Anonymous just said hacked hacked nobody is safe especially YOU!!! and just logged off! Ella was freaking out she logged off! the next day Anonymous was doing the animations again so she logged on and nothing happened!! So Ella was SUPER freaked out but she never got hacked!! Guys dont be scared Anonymous is FAKE!!!!
ReplyDeletehow o you do blogs??
ReplyDeleteI mean how do you make a blog?
ReplyDeleteI'm blondetabby on MSP and I know that anonymous isn't real! Sure, I've been hacked but not by her! usually the people who get onto your account are the MovieStarPlanet Staff! They check your account every now and then to see if your safe. They are STAFF not hackers. You guy need to understand! Lottie's blog isn't for LYING its keeping you all safe from dangers. :)
ReplyDeleteno the staff don't get on your account! that's technically hacking? the moderators are hackers???
Deleteanonoymous is real I have proof don't u read the gangs wiki it says
ReplyDeleteThanks now I can trust msp more thanks you really helped me I will come on your site more often thanks! Will look forward to more great post.
ReplyDeleteEmail me on: please.
i love anonymouse
ReplyDeleteThats a releif ! by the way add me im eveamber2 ! xoxox
ReplyDeleteIs moderator actually a moderator because normally where is says judge, jury, celeb and VIP it says moderator and moderators can't add
ReplyDeleteOkay so guys, this really creeps me out cuz today I was at my friends house whilst anon was there - it was fine
ReplyDeleteThen i clicked on anon and it said deleted user!!!
Then 2 mins later a boy version of anon appears who is also A DELETED USER!!!
Then the start doing the hilding hands animation with one another! And then keep saying "Double the strength!!! Double the power!! Back for 2014!"
omg creepy THE USER IT SAYS I AM is HER O_O jk lol
ReplyDeleteOk Anon is real every acc I make she adds me and she keeps saying my name and I keep logging out
ReplyDeleteWhat msp are u guys on? Im on NZ msp what about u people??
ReplyDeleteGood but I'm locked out for no reason plz tell me why
ReplyDeleteI'm not actually anonymous guys I just had to choose it my user is I like cats sos I wuv yah
ReplyDeletewell i think she is real because in your post it said that anonymous is a group of people that hack so the anonymous group is real hacking computers so the rather hack msp and other games wich is not fake lottie sorry if i spelled it wrong but your work the group is real in the wikipidia so it's real p.s you said you wanted to be a adictive maybe i will be better than you then giving up you barly have 2 post's anonymous is a sociol people who hack they are hackers and what do hackers do they hack so my prediction is real you think is fake for people no to be scared but for real there are real hackers out there and you are giving up this not the dective that i know who want's what she want's and gets it this for not for hate i am telling the truth signing out-Yamile (ya-me-lay) user:#cool girl is back
ReplyDeleteand monterator srry if i spelled it wrong how does she know's it's fake so people even name there self's anonymous I NEED A AWNSER FOR SURE AND I WILL FIND OUT SOON !!!!!
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