
Sunday, July 01, 2012

Anonymous Hacker (True Story - Or Not?!)

Watch the video ^.^
Freaky, right?
I guess you're confused. I was, when I first heard about it!
But now.. its all starting to make sense.. Put the pieces together.. Maybe it really IS true? Maybe it isn't? Maybe this is a whole load of lies? ...xO

Soo.... There are alot of forums about this 'anonymous' person right now. Go on Anything and there will probably still be lots of forums.
Anyway.. So as shown in the video (above) she is appearing at the side of peoples' screen..
She appeared on my screen today, as shown in the top picture (above). Its really scary!I am really freaked out now, and I bet you are too..
Also.. don't make fake forums like that, just for the fun of it. Its not cool, clever, or funny. It just makes people panic.
I'm gunna be a detective when I'm older, I think. Its fun. I'm going to find ou more about this 'hacker' for you guys.. and in a few more days I'll do another post, hopefully revealling the truth.. about Anonymous..!
So I am starting a petition. We need to stop this anonymous 'hacker' ONCE AND FOR ALL. Please sign your name in the comments box, then once lots of people have I will send it to MSP and tell them they need to do something fast!



Monday 2nd July 2012


Go on that link and read the information it gives you. NOW ITS ALL STARTING TO MAKE SENSE! Anonymous is a group of people that make accounts on virtual websites, calling their users 'anonymous'. They hack other users... Do you get it now? Its a group of people!! I'll try and find out more information for you guys very soon.. and I'll post it on this post if anything is found!

These videos were made by Rosemandy454 by the way!:L



  1. She hasn't showed up for me either, but I'm still totally creeped! I watched the vid yesterday at 11pm, so I was like DAFUQ THIS IS SO CREEPY!

    1. ok so i told my mum bout anonymous n so i had to delete my user n i did my reserch n they only like hacking the vips n high levelers like lvl 10 n stuff n they hack the ones who look betta than others

    2. im scared she said im next and worte it on my wall and she was on my screem o.o. so beawre she has new accont tipwatch and taking over

    3. ps add me if u are oevr lelv 5
      emma sweet 8 :)

    4. Yeah they hack..its scary My friend got hacked! add me ~xxCanadaxx~ (on msp)

    5. i went to their house i was so scared

    6. the first time i saw her was at my friend's house then i click on her and it said anonymous so i left

    7. I went on my sisters account and some how my account was logged on and it started talking in private chat we were really creeped out so I tried to go on my account and someone has changed the password

    8. hi i just wanna say i got hacked 7 times by her and 4 of them were vip so bewere i am probs gonna get my new account hacked soon shes called Aimee Sparks plz add me thnx xx

    9. I was hacked, lost my account. :'(

    10. i did not get hacked by anonymous but i did see her! i first watched tons of youtube videos about anonymous
      and one said that when u are in a chat room and you say the word 'anonymous' she would appear. i was kinda scared but i didnt believe it so i went into a skateboard chat room and asked about her and said anonymous. she didnt appear ( just like i thought) but right when i went to the next chat room i saw her! i was sooo scared that i left and logged off til later.... thx for listening to my story see ya! p.s. add me on msp my name is: girlychicreporter! thx!!

    11. Okay I was lvl 4 VIP (hammer99 now deleted) and got hacked ! But not many of my clothes had gone so I carried on ... Like a month later I got hacked again same lvl but wasn't VIP anymore but I did have LOADS of clothes !
      I knew it was real cos I had given a gift to " anonymous " and I COULDN'T click on her at all ! Then I had a falling out with my friend and she hacked me and took most of my clothes and I got so upset I deleted ! :'( does any1 have a reasonable lvl acc that I could have if u do message me on msp "touch123" thanks xxxx

    12. ya im lvl 3 and i look really nice ( sherbet123 ) and i went to a chatroom and saw her. i thought it was a joke so i got my fraps up and took some pics, then she added me and blocked me so i couldnt delete her, i reported her twice and transferred my best items to my other character and everyone asked me why i was in my underwear and stuff so i told them, they said to block her so i did, now i am safely back on my character but i am still creeped :/

  2. Hi I'm -_- Jordan -_- I am really creeped out by anonymous because she has appeared on my login screen when I first seen her I did'nt no about this anonymous person so I was a little freaked out but anyway what does she do does she hack computers or just accounts and has she hacked into the moviestarplanet system or what

    1. hi yh same it really creepy an freaky but i guess u just dont log in when she comes up an i dint fine this out until todau so it has come up loads of times an i dint no wat it was scary

    2. Anonymous is actually here!!! i saw like 5

    3. The Msp staff probably have tons of money from vip which they probably try and protect the site from hackers such as Anonymous any way it doesnt seem like she has the skill to do any real damage all she does is change peoples status

    4. I have 2 things to say.
      One is that anonymous is probably real because the real one has no name underneath it. I saw it. And you will never see any fake anonymous twice.
      Two is that it isnt the worlds most wanted hacker group because they wouldnt be getting anything out of moviestarplanet. The reason why they hack is to get money. The REAL anonymous group hacked playstation so why would they hack msp? please reply with your comments

    5. I Saw Her! She Hacked me She Said She Would Make Me VIP But She Hacked Me And Deleted My Accout Then I Made A New One And She Hacked That One I Am Super Scared

    6. This whole anonymous makes me sick to my stomach
      Theese people needs to stop i cant sleep without thinking im hacked this is crazy why would they hack a site that is for kids and teens
      Also add me im (mzmya808) thanx for the info. I also hope u follow ur dream to be a detective

    7. ok this is a strange experience for me but once i said some mean things about anonymous with my friends aliza4554,babehello123,BIGMAN247 and we were saying "anonymous is so low fashion she wears ugly clothes" at that time we said that it was 10:27 and 3 mi utes passed then 3 anonymous characters showed up! and they said "you talking about me?!" i was scared to death! then my friend who plays as aliza4554 we were with each other in real life and we were sitting next to each other on my bed laughing then my friend Marrissa (the person who has the character aliza4554) she was lagging bad and then the anonymous character popped up when she was lagging at a cafe chatroom then the screen on her account logged out then she logged back in after 3 seconds after that then she saw her coins were gone her outfits gone and she was naked in bra and under wear on her charatcer and her friends got threatened! and add me if more imfo im kristina148 thanks :D

    8. woooowww!!!! scarey! my friend showed me moviestar planet about 1 year ago and she is now telling me that if i get on the login screen that she will not only hack your acount (if you log in) but she will hack your whole computer!!! I cant even go on the site! IS THIS TRUE OR NOT? please respond.

    9. Hi!My name is---. I am investigateing her right now. She (or her team) are hacking the world. Facebook, Twitter the lot.
      P.S The reason I am not telling you my name is if she finds me I'm dead!

  3. Hello this is Imogen xx People say that When Anonymous shows up on you computer/laptop screen on the login they say she is looking at your pass... But she is not think about how many computers laptops users there are she'll shows up only on your screen sometimes... There are so many users which one would she know is yours. Its impossible.. No need to be afraid she does no harm she is hacking some people but she goes of it. She just wants to scare you you get no harm done.

  4. shes hacked me today and i said why? and she deleted all my friends

    1. i know shes i mean hes creepy

    2. hi anonymouse is back and i have a account called janetteya and yeah i saw her in the cafe and she said your next then she hacked some girl cuz she was rich and she was a vip and she was my friend and i got so scared then i logged off and never thought of it again i was freaking meh out i hate anonymouse and fight back and just to tell you im a vip ok so add me

  5. O..M..G!! guess what?! i saw Anonymous on da side of my screen,i have 4 pics 2 show ma friends!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH didn't logg on so im safe- I HOPE x-o

    1. me 2 but i didnt know tht was anonymous n i just went on to delete my user

  6. There is lots of anonymous's I am really creeped out. She has asked me where I live and all those personal questions! Its no joke plz someone any 1 stop her. Some ppl also say she's a man, and there's loads o them. I am quite young and my sis is 8 I don't want her to see this stuff. I am scared plz someone help me. My name on it is gorgeousrockchick. And she has said on her wht u doing blog Thingy, I'm hacker, watch out gorgeousrockchick. X

    1. That kinda sounds like a fake... Anonymous just hacks.. you won't know.

  7. Im creeped out I saw her ten times she was hacking people IF YOU want to hear more of the story Im bellahigh77

  8. Hia I went on my account and she wason the side i didnt know who she/he/they were at the time but now im gettin really freaked out because she leaves threatening messages on peoples accounts.

  9. im sad my mum made me delete my user just to protect it anonymous has to b stopped!

  10. Oh My god ): Ya know what? this is sorta funny i wanna see her on my screen :3

    1. Me too but I am going to freak I am Brittany205154 that's not my password

    2. hey wht is anonymous's gmail/email

  11. I honestly think all this is nonsense. In the video, it showed anonymous as a deleted user. All the other anonymous accounts are fake. You can tell from their status updates, wrong outfits, ect... I think anonymous is somehow a scam (I'm being a skeptic about this xP.)These past 3 days I've been on MSP for hours on end and haven't seen ANYTHING about anonymous; and trust me, i'm on forums NONSTOP! I won't believe this until I see it!

    1. Well I think the one that pops up at your screen is real and they are duds that walk around with masked in real life and why do they dress up like girls don't get it I am brittany205154

    2. yeah same with me. that is exactly what i have been thinking. but i am kinda on a quest to see what this stupid thing is all about

  12. Just Hope The Staff Can Sort It Out x

    1. i have almost gotten hacked before and it was scary she was standing right beside me!!!!

    2. I hope so too :) And anonymous has never hacked me before and I hope he never does :) Sorry to hear about you getting hacked Lottie89115. :( I hope it doesn't happen again. :) Many of my friends have been hacked I've got hacked this morning and I think it was anonymous or someone i don't know. I'm going to FIND OUT! Add me I'm Stella121319087 on British MSP And on english MSP, I'm Stella123; thanks :D

  13. lie so freaked out, but i agree im sure they are all fakes trying to get some attention, i was in a chatroom today and they were all saying these random codes to make other users think they are real, you dont even need codes for hacking do you?

  14. Anonymous. She hacked me. But all she ever did was change my status. She isn't that scary. But just saying.... I won't be sleeping for the next 4 weeks. MSP staff should know about this, She is really Ella Vanclimpe. From Rochester, New York... if you want. call the cops. I am not brave. But I did stand up for myself. NO MORE ANONYMOUS!!!!

    1. im scared 2 she showed up on my screen n i logged on n the thing is they first hack your msp then your facebook or parents facebook n eventually your whole computer they like erase your whole laptop/computer n then your computer will be broken n if ur parents/gaurdians do thier bills or save there $ from the bank on there theyll get tht 2 u need 2 call the cops if u know who it is n thts y ppl need 2 delete their msp so they dont get caught cuz if they r able enough to crack your password its unbelieveable what else they can do :0

    2. im scared

    3. i agree wiv dat anonymous and her gang can take over ur pc and take ideal info from it shez jst a bully u can try talkin to her and ask her y....cauze am siik ov her...

    4. I am not going on MSP anymore! Freaked Out!!!!!!

    5. She hacked me...I WAS A VIP

  15. She is one crazy demented nut job... I told her
    Hey I just met you
    And your crazy
    Please go away now.
    Can't try to hack me baby
    Before you came into my life you where so sad. And I would know that, your so so sad (you still are)

  16. Replies
    1. She is.. look at my newest post!

    2. She isn't FAKE

    3. shes not fake trust me

    4. HE might be real.... Actually, he's real. I can tell because of the YouTube videos I've watched lately about em'. MSP Isn't safe when anonymous is around.

  17. I agree we need to stop "Anonymous"

    PLHLOL101 of MSP

  18. y doesnt she wear a shirt on ALL her acc even on chercole y?Y?Y?

  19. My friend got hacked by Anonymous her name is rdkitkat :-(

  20. Plz help one of the fake anonymouses said the other ones are gonna get me

  21. jebeca well i deleted myself cos of the fear of anonymous so my new acc is tanzee4eva on my old level 4 acc there was all this panic and i commented o most the forums and then she hacked someone and commented i was like omg i knew ill be next soon cos -obviously i didnt keep a low enough profile but i neva seen her on ma scree or at a cafe but after i deleted maself and went on tanzee4eva i went to the cafe chatroom then she turned up right close up to me and i screamed and ran opposite the room every one else was calm but i freaked out like omg i think ill be a victim SO LETS STOP ANONYMOUS NOW!!!!!

  22. Idk if this is real

  23. im so scared!!!!!!!!

  24. there in mostly the cafes wen u say their names they come like if you say " if anonumus is real come here now " n on my deleted acc Alysha 1(was me) i said2 her face tht she was weird n she sed ima get u n wen i logged off she was on my log in screen doing the anamamaions i was so freaked out i deleted myself

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. Who Is That Anonymous Person?

    -Rosemandy454 x

  27. I did the exact opposite. My best friend, Chloe (COCOcool12) and I (Megsie-rules1) went on a hacking mission. We went to chatrooms and screamed: ANNONYMOUS! COME GET US!! HACK US! COME AND HACK US ANONYMOUS!! She appeared and started saying: Ok! I will! And after an hour or two nothing had happened. I went for dinner. When I came back I logged back in. 'Sorry, wrong password.' It said. I started to panic and looked at the left of my screen. Basically, I hadn't believed it one bit. I was thinking: Omg, this is so dumb. Until that moment that I saw the figure at the left of my screen. Her figure. Their figure. Anonymous. To find out what happened to me next go to: and beware. she's real. And msp aren't doing anything about it.

    ~Megz x

  28. I was logging in today as 1 of my accounts and I saw her and she's said my password has been changed and I said back on the log in thing give me back my password and she wrote back u r now a Anoymous and I said on the username no I will never be 1 of u and she said we will c about that so I went on got into the cafe then who did I see????ANOYMOUS

  29. Hi I am Ana Maria on msp =D well durr u should know... I went in the cafe chat room and said "If you talk about anonymous she comes to the chat room" Well she did and she still thretens me saying that she will hack me D: I was super scared so I warned people that they should be careful with anony.. Found out something scary... You know ridkitkat... yeahh weelll she got hacked first and MSP people traced her down and... founds out...

    ANONYMOUS!!! along with her other hacking acct Cherelcole...


  30. I bet anonymous is saving the very top ones last. She wants everyone to feel the way she does. She wants us to feel really bad. This morning i got on Katie fame. I looked her up. I didn't see the REAL her, but then I spelled it different. Plenty of her was there. Later, I spelled "Anonymous" again... and... 12 was there. I did it again like one hour later. I say hundreds. I freaked out totally. How did she pass the test? ~shivering~ I think she's right. NO ONE'S SAFE! :( Don't talk to her, friend her, or talk about her in chat rooms. She'll get mad and will try to hack you. We can stop her, though. WHO AGREES?

    1. to see the real anonymous u need to type in Anonymous~

  31. my friend from school has been hacked some of my other friends from school have seen her IF ANYONE KNOWSHER SEND ME MESSAGE IM MONKEYLOVE123

    (NO SPACE)

    1. Hi there a bunch of guys, DELETE YOUR ACOUNTS IF YOU'VE BOUGHT VIP its not your profile they're after THEY HAVE ACCESSS TO YOU BANK ACCOUNT!

  32. You lot are so hyper right now hacking...ahhh... I remember it all. Well, don't be creeped out just get off the darn game and get want fame? Earn the real world.And as for the blogger good on you! I'm a detective,right now I'm doing a case (internet trolls) No...I don't work for the FBI.
    You girls should have high hopes to help the world...
    - Kate Javiera

  33. stop anonymous

    1. i agree i will call the police if anonymous hacks me she is gonna get it big time

  34. Okay..i was freaked too. This Anonymous hacker is on many MSPs. The ones on mine *US MSP* i'm pretty sure are all fakes. If you ask them to hack you they just do nothing. Never once shown up on my screen. Only hacked 1 person and they traced the IP adress of the hacker back to that one person who was supposedly "hack". I've done research and the real Anonymous group is said to be on facebook, twitter, and *rumor has it* MovieStarPlanet..but i doubt the MSP thing..some paranoid girl told me that. They've hacked into government systems before. But they're said to hack into unfair things. What makes MSP so unfair? The bullies? The hate? I'm sorry but this seems like a low priority for a bunch of Professional Hackers. Plus pro hackers don't write on walls, play in rooms, and friend/bff ppl. Which i've been friended by one and one asked me to be their bestie. roflmama* Yes i've wrote allot. Also, pro hackers wouldn't announce that they're hackers. They'd stay in the shadows and watch and hack when no body expects it. So in conclusion, i honestly doubt that it's real. Yes lots of ppl have been hacked..but you don't know who's lying and who actually gave out their pass ;D ~Alyssa

    1. you're right, it's not them, it's some other group no one knows about. Or some person. Watch that third video then when its over, click on the stillshot of the anonymous guy mask. It explains it's not them.


    1. go on then prove it that its fake

    2. Dude, This isnt fake... BUT it isnt the Anonymous gang that have hacked like Nasa And CIA Everyone Your Safe... The Gang Will Hack The Character Anonymous. Heres Proof :

  36. these guys aer professionals, they can hack loads of websites, they want to get all credit card detais THIS IS SERIOUS GUYS! If you are scared about having your profile deleted then thats too bad! YOUR BANK ACCOUNT IS MORE IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!

    1. my vip has just run out i am soo glad. we need to do somethink bout this anymnous staff arent awear

  37. it's not fake! they have been messing around! they are after VIP's, they want your bank account money!

  38. i agree! guys, i would rather, delete some silly account, than have my bank account wiped out!

    1. ino i havent seen her yet but i know lots of information

  39. If your a VIP, be careful!

  40. Its a bunch of men, i threw a party at my house and i mentioned them. One suddenly appeared in my house. They said i was next but its been like a week and i haven't seen her on my log in screen. She told me that she scares it out of people.

  41. Okay so look at it like this anonymous is a government hater and ppl say they want thinternet down well no they do not they hack government thangs not lil kids I mean come on if thy did then the cops would have them I mean if they did get a freakin life I believe they are out there and they have a life of hacking I just don't think they would go to a kids website!!!!!!!

  42. Yesterday I was in the cafe chat-room and an anonymous appeared, I was so scared. But then they said that they weren't the real anonymous. They were going undercover to find out about them. That's a pretty good idea. Thanks Lottie, you've helped me and all of my friends.

  43. idk what to belive in anon or not.. O_o

  44. Believe it, they're after your bank account...VIPS's. If your a VIP, if i were you, i'd delete my account. I'd rather delete some silly account, than have my bank account gone!

    but just remember guys,just be safe and dont fall for her not log in if you see a girl with no top,black trousers,no shoes,purple hair,purple hat.
    remember,be safe.

    1. She is a fake she is Not the real anonymous she maybe hack but look she hacked a group of freinds not random ppl she is not real so yeah u and most ppl are safee in less she made ur account :D

  46. Everyone saying that "he/she/them" goin to hack swedish Msp.. but nothing hapened.. and I look in the english msp and everyone in highscore was not hacked.. Can you be hacked when you see her to the left on the screen or see her in a room...? but I trying to see her left in the screen but I can't O: maybe she is gone? ..

  47. Okay look at it like this, anonymous is real yet fake on msp it is just i person who is a big fan of anonymous i have done MY research trust me i know im not CRAZY just hear me out before you scroll down she is a fake she will be stopped she cant make anymore she is not the real anonymous dont be scared I have searched it on youtube google bing movie star planet and yahoo I know okay go ahead delet my comment again i dont give a crap just let some ppl read thx bye its TRUE!

  48. Orange: I told you so, I just told You!
    Blazer-Mae: I didn't know and stop it!!

  49. Apperently Ishacool has been hacked!!
    Has she?
    Anyways, i am Mushr00m (the 0s are ZEROS not letters) so please add me and catch me up on any news!

  50. Hey Guys I Know Abou Anonymous But If You Wanna Be Safe Then Dont Go On This Web Coz It Will Get WOrse

  51. O.o Im not afraid of them my mom actually laughed at the masks they wear so uh yeah WE DONT HAVE TO GET OFF SOME SITE cuz some dude thinks that our own accnts will get hacked oh and I have VIP I havnt been hacked and I get them real mad! -Kaitlyn987 Out

  52. Thanks to stupid anonymous, my mum made me delete my movie star planet account. She can hack u and steal your coins. She's not that powerful.

  53. Some ppl say its scam, some ppl believe it. Who knows?

  54. ahhhhhhhhh im so scared of him help guys

  55. it is really scary my friend hacked her dan733711

  56. Im bak to hack dont be scared be terrified i was only going easy no the fun begins

    1. ANONYMOUS such a pleasure to meet u(NOT)i will find u and hack u my dad is studying hacking in de university soo am sure u know wats comin jst for a clue am a vip and boy oh boy wen i find u .....:( u will not wanna make me mad soo eergh buckle p ur shoe laces dis trash ave been hearing about u iz disturbin......twas nice meeting u(geek freak)

  57. movie star planet users there is this person who makes hack tools for MSP the person's name is the hink! so anonymous used those to hack u so blame her this all hapend because of her... movie star planet doesnt know about it but we can all send a email to complain about all hacking thats going on u need to do it quick because alot of hackers have pumpchikin for there target so if pump gets hacked we should all blame the hink she made all those hack tools dont belive me??? look up movie star planet money hacker on youtube AND WARNING DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANY OF THE HINKS HACK TOOLS IT WILL BLOCK U FOR 9 DAYS AND 17 HOURS AND IT WILL PUT A VIRUS ON YOUR COMPUTER IT TOOK ME 5 HOURS TO GET IT OFF!!!! so heres the truth how anonymous became a hacker when anonymous goes on your screen shes just scaring u but when she clicks on that hack tool in the start menu again she will HACK PUMP so go to movie star planet's email and tell them the truth about anonymous how she got to hacking its all THE HINKS fault

  58. yeh anonymous is a hacker and its not realy good if you find her report her

  59. if you see anonymous report her or contact msp supporter

  60. i was at my friend house in rl and i came online before all that i recieved a message saying im coming to get you from anoymous and as i said i was at my friends when i came online then i went on today and my what are you doing said anoymous is here!!!

  61. Ya all don't know the true story , Anonymous isnt hacking , in the video they are saying that someone msp is hacking and the hacker is saying that he is a member of Anonymous , but thats not true , Anonymous don't know the msp hacker,they said that in a video.

  62. Did you people know that Anonymous was arrested for another thing besides MSP! They hack LOTS of websites! And they got arrested once in 2007. Look it up on Wikipedia. Look up Anonymous Hacker.

  63. The hink28 created the MovieStarPlanet hacker, so thehink is Anonymous! Think about it, most of the people who got hacked have loads of clothes. And she obviously got ishacool because she used 1 too!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why is the coment removed

  65. I think anonymouse is stupid no afence but some of the are just not real.
    Anyway i would think that it would be funny to see anonymouse on my screen ill be a bit frecked but funny...
    aswell i have told my mum about this anonymouse and she said just dont worri about it untill i really happends to me :3 Wish my luck cqause anonymouse said she will hack me. But i have got more accounts any way

    1. Now dose anonymouse have a life!

  66. Hacked by anonymouse

    That is the word anonymouse said


  68. hey ppl i am an emo but i cant say my password i dont give a ****** about it no one can see my pw and that anonymous might just get called by the police by me! i will tell them i got hacked and they will do somethin alright yall?

  69. Okay so, I heard about Anonymous when I first tried MSP out. Then my mom changed the password to log in to the computer. It took me a month to figure it out -_-. By then I had forgotten the password and name to my old account and had to make a new one. I've been playing this account for about a week. I found this the other day after remembering the warning about Anonymous. But when I watched the videos, well, it was like watching a horror movie for me. Half the time I was scared, half the time not so much. Then the rest of the day was fine. And for some nagging reason in the back of my head, I was afraid to sleep. I told myself there was no real danger but the fear kept on nagging me to sleep. These Anonymi, they/she/he/it need/needs to stop. There are some eight-year-olds on MSP, why would anyone want to scare eight-year-old by hacking them??? It's sick.

  70. dont worry about her. its a fake.

  71. I don't belive it's a fake, because when I had first logged into MSP I read the Anonymus article and that was before she became so big. She had tried to hack someone, but that some had purposely made a fake accout. The fake account DID get hacked

  72. OMG. The Group of Anonymous Men aren't behind it after all! I just saw the video, finish watching the third vid, then click on the one with the Anonymous mask, it explains everything!! I mean... well, they aren't doing it, but whoever said they with the Legion has made themselves an enemy of The Anonymous Group. They would never hack a kid's web site, and they said they would expose whoever it is. They are only trying to tell the government that things aren't right.
    - it's me from the comment above and the other one three above this one.

    1. the mask surrounded by black, not the one with lighting, it's called Operation Movie Star Planet REMIX

  73. My name is emo4318 if u want to be safe put emo4318 add me and u Will be safe

  74. T is creeping me out I hagenuk followed any.of the rules at all

  75. I am anonymous I can do anything no-one safe.
    We never forget, We never forgive

    1. if u are the real anonymous come on and hack me i`m HellAgnle i`m not scard of u or anybody so come on
      p.s ppl add me as a best friand plzzzzzzzzzzz

  76. Real, but most are fake trying to gain 'respect'. I mean seriously guys! This hacker must be about 30 or so on a little kids game and there are THOUSANDS of profiles anonymous, do you honestly think a 30 yr old man or women would sit at a laptop 24/7!?
    There a hacker, but they have a life!


    .if you ring her on you screen wearing no T-shirt, Trousers and a hat just refresh the page do NOT type you password because it's believd she has hi tech gadgets to see the through the ****. Do something like what I would do if she was on my screen and write on the password bit: go away and get a life , then leave the site! It leaves her a bit of a message ;)

    . Secondly, anonymous the group have nothing to do with it, they too are trying to track down the anonymous poser who is pretending to be part of their gang. This anonymous isn't. It's just a sad do. K?

    . And why aren't msp trying to help!? I mean us lot are doing our bit but we can't delete there account! Msp can! So if u see anonymous (especially the one with no name) report!

    . But there has been theory. You know in the OLD msp, if u were there from the beginning you would know that there were dummies in chat rooms. Simple, unplayable dummies? Remember? Yeah well, maybe she's one! She has no name to! Maybe someone faked her and pretended she's a evil hacker! Who knows it COULD be msp playing a trick on us guys! After all, when anonymous goes in our account she doesn't take anything, she just changes the status.

    Btw add me I'm lilly0261

  77. annomous is a bbad person

  78. Look, just stop commenting about annoymous. You guys are soo gullible. ANONYMOUS IS NOT REAL. HOW MANY TIMES?!

    1. have you not seen the actual video that anonymous has posted on youtube they are hackers

  79. she is real i saw her in the cafe chat room twice in 1 day

  80. i saw her in a chat room come and whent relly quwick then i went to the cafe ther she was she wants to hack me my name on msp is minilove14

  81. omgs!! its actully on bbc news!!!!!

  82. i saw her in the chat room today by the name of anonymousee. i made a video about it

  83. If anything, I had to transfer what I could to another account, because Im a suspect to AnonymousIndex, search her, I think shes fake, she says shes real

  84. Shes real guys. im so freaked out. luckerly i do wht im told. i made a new account on msp lvl2. cos i was lvl8.
    Yeah yeah u would say WHY?? im to scared of anoymous, rly i am.

    1. Some people support and love anonymous and what they do idk why but peeps luv dem on Facebook so yeah I'm kaylee my account is Confused girl

  85. Hey! I went on and i did the talking 'bout her in the cafe thing and it DIDNT WORK! I am new to msp but i do ALOT of reasearch so i know much! i also am on fantage club penguin animal jam and MORE!I am not really scared cause im only level three. But i saw one and i asked her why she wanted to hack people and i told her i just wanted to know i wasnt being mean and she didnt answer... her name was: Anonymous(UR NEXT PUMP) Lol right i told her to do it cause pump can be a pain in the tushie- yes i said tushie- sometimes. I wanna know more about Anonymous and i wanna be a detective if u wanna be one too, my username is... DancingRULES2012 so ADD ME and SEND ME MESSAGES PLZ! Oh and watch my movies and check out my abs cause i NEED sc REALLY bad!!!!!!!!!!!!-Destiny

    1. sorry i sent her a message i didnt SEE her-destiny

    2. That's a fake. You can't see her name because there isn't one under her feet and her name is not Anonymous(UR NEXT PUMP)she hacks everyone not just one person. her name is simply...Anonymous

  86. I have an account how do I protect myself? I am truly terrified!

  87. anonymous is horrible and mean we need to get rid of her fast and quick before she hacks more people

    1. its not a her its them anonymous is a group of men not women and they hack they hacked the owner of msp just to be on they homepage and they hack users they dont do anything they just do it to get a point out

  88. That anonymous on moviestarplanet is fake cause the real is nice those ppl try to make a fool of anonymous

    Sabba love Xxx

  89. i think anonymous on msp is the anonymous that if you search on youtube is those guys but idkk just a guess..
    i use the american msp so if you try finding me on english its not gunna be me..

  90. I have been hacked before by anonymous and she deleted EVERYTHING I HAD!!!!

    MSP needs to take action... and fast

    look at my blog :

  91. omg. anouymous or cherel cole is a big liar. but add me my name is daniella0727 on movie star planet pumps bestie well not bestie but friend so add me if ur checking ur blog

  92. Hiya. This is BabygirlDemi (My MSP name)
    I've heard about anonymous before. I ave searched her name too.
    You get MILLIONS of pages with anonymous on. Like 'Anonymous (COMIN TO HACK U)' and stuff like that. I've seen a couple of forums about her too, but Never 'Little Test'. Why does she do it? Why does she hack, innocent VIP's and High-Levelers? Is it a way that he/she keeps themselves occupied? There is also an account called cherelcole I think. She may have deleted it. I've once even had NIGHTMARES about her! She freaks me out. Remember, she has Purple TeacherBun Hair, No top whatsoever and she has Black, baggy jeans on! Keep that in mind. This is the best website I have seen about anonymous so far! EVERYONE WHO PLAYS MOVIESTARPLANET! WE MUST STOP THIS ANONYMOUS! ONCE AND FOR ALL!

  93. hey this is _Josh* from English MSP (the one with a USA flag with the stars and red stripes.)and i know for a fact anonymous isnt real. its just a mspbuggycharacter or whatevs. But RdKitKat was the one who started anonymous. So we dont really know the truth, but this is my opinion. ^-^

  94. we are anonymous, we are legion, we don't forgive, we don't forget, expect us.

    1. Bring it!

      LOL>>> from Abby Jenson 16

  95. I'm not anonyous but why does she do that to people i'm worried beaacsue i'm VIP and lel 6

  96. Hello. You may know me, I am Diavanille. I once saw anonymous on my login screen, and i knew it was fake. Being level 25, though, you can't take risks such as *i bet shes fake* because if she isnt fake, well i have just lost about awhole year of playing moviestarplanet.

    P.S Thanks for all the autos, guyz! I am so glad i finally reached level 25 the other day, and am now racing up close behind ishacool.
    More autos is appreciated :P THANXX!

      From Mushr00m
      :) add me Dia! Im ur biggest fan :P

  97. HI GUYZ
    can i just say!
    WELL DONE? UR A LEVEL 25 but dia, you will nevah beat me. IM FREAKING ETERNAL

    1. Ishacool why are you being so mean..?
      P>S On MSP, I am Abby Jenson 16.

  98. Like lol, why is everyone scared?
    All she does is hack ur account, she not gonna come to ur house wiv a chainsaw! Lol

    If ur VIP, then contact msp, they should give u ur money back!
    Btw, even tho I'm saying 'she' I've heard that she's actually a gang of Japanese boys.

  99. OMG!!!!!!!!! Ur my inspiration!!! I would sooooooo love to have an MSP blog like this!!!!!!!!! Gonna add you on msp! Think you are sooooo right about Anonymous!!! WE MUST STOP HER!!!! Thx Lottie!!!

    Fromm HannahXxX (chloecocoa978)

  100. OMG guys i am soooo scared like seriously she was like on my account and changed like my status and wasted my coins!!!!!!! i only have 45 coins now!!!!!!!!!!! she like was on my screen when like i was like logging in and she froze my computer:0im so scared we need to stop her!!!!!!!!!!by the way,add me at blingbling278.:) thnx but im scared!!!!:(:(:(:(

  101. anoymous u are at risk this is not good

  102. when i heard this i was freaked out but im not afraid its the best option dont be afraid

  103. If 'it' is real then why would they go for Movie Star Planet? Why not Moshi Monsters? But what ever it is we need to get rid of it. I don't want some nut head hacking me! We need to alert MSP staff. Think what it can do? And websites like this are perfect for this. We need to stop it!! I will not go online in till it stops!!!!! Anyone with info please put it down on a blog. Or even put it down here. Just please... I have even started a campain at school. This needs to stop! Also, I recemend to not put your name on this blog because this is probobly the biggest website about annymous! It'll just have something to feed off. Don't say your VIP. We can stop annymous
    ~ Annymous investigater

  104. omg i saw her and boom im HACKED WE NEED TO STOP HER!!



  106. hey this is lexiluv504 head of the fashion police (moviestar planet)
    i have seen many anonymous in the cafe chatrooms. To be honest i dont know what to believe. All after it started a bunch of ppl made fake accounts saying they where her no one knows the truth so it is best to be safe

  107. anonymous has not been on my logging screen yet but ive seen her in the chat cafe. she has hacked horror cafe and many other following cafes. this anoymous i had seen had no name under her,bbut she wasnt wearing the hat. i couldnt open up her profile and couldnt find her on the anonymous friend pages to search. keep safe guys. and maybe kepe your user name to yourself just incase she sees this site and hacks you. or makes another acount and hacks you. keep safe.

  108. Well, I think its quite creepy COZ I FUGIN GOT HACKED!!!

  109. I havent been hacked yet! New hacker called ao oni

    add me bells2014 (on msp)

  110. I keep seeing anonymous but they all look different... If u see her on the side of your login screen, just dont type your password. Type something like "go away anonymous. you dont scare me." And then refresh the page, and she should be gone. I really dont know what to make all of this though...

  111. i haven't been hacked YET but that video really freeks me out. in the chat room ive seen like 6 at a time so i don't know which ones are real ???
    my msp name is crystal$$$$

  112. i think shes fake cuz ive seen like four of them all together

  113. hi i have been in msp for three years now i do and i am geting feaked OUT here i was look at her videos and i saw a girl like her but like 16 oh them

  114. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  115. Anonymous Is Coming Shes Gonna Take Over ;D I Said To Much If You Wanna Know The Answers To Her Go To Moviestarplanet And Search Up "Miss Filly" ~You`re Not Safe~

  116. i was in my house today alone on msp bout to login i saw her and in my user box wrote stp hakking peeps she back spaced wat i wrote n replyed ur next thn i didnt even log in turned off internet logged back in went to my email to see wat she changed my pass to and the email had been changed my user is gone .... sadness

  117. Havent seen her YET but you know. Anyway aslong as you dont give away anydetails ur more than fine.But one gift who has been my m8 for like 2 weeks just came out and said her number to me.We did chat alot tho.Its all thehink28 fault.

  118. Add Me nfsboy12 she is after me! I saw her at the cafe and said she gonna hack me

  119. i got hacked and i am only lvl. 5 plzz help me !

  120. Same! She just messaged me and I'm only level five I really need help!

  121. belieber010394 is my name look me up i've got a plan to stop her

  122. The result can be described as long, luxurious evening that may start with dinner, or may never leave the hotel. Your gay sizegenetics will simultaneously relax and stimulate every inch regarding your body. In order it to stop there, it will; if your goal is more, then this really is therapies will get. Your gay sizegenetics therapist will probably be prepared to carry out whatever you desire to ensure that your physical satisfaction. This is certainly great news even for those men who truly only want a sizegenetics.

  123. I saw her today (12/8/12) in the cafe but it was my first time seeing her so I didn't know about her or her reputation and I didn't know about her profile not coming up if you clicked on her and since I didn't know about her I didn't think about why she didn't have a name so when she was talking to this girl she told her "do you know who I am?" and the girl said "no" and the hacker girl said "I'm the hacker" and when she said that I said "ROFL" and she said to me "I'm gonna hack you." so when she said that she left and I said to myself "what a loser" when I looked up on youtube "how to hack someone"(it was an experement) I clicked the video and I saw a video about her on the side bar so I clicked it and when I watched it I was like wtf. I'm only 13 but I want to investigate and see if she hacks me. Imma set up a bait account and bad mouth her to tempt her to hack me. Also, I'llmake a forum directed to her and see if she responds and also I read that she's ALWAYS online so when I read that I was like what? Because I've had this account a long time ago last year (i still have it)and I'm online 24.7 and I've never seen her since 12/8/12. I've also heard that if you say her name in a room then she comes and I read a comment on this that a girl and her friend talked about how ugly her clothes were and she came and said "Are you talking about me" so I also want to experiment on that too.

  124. I am freaking SCARED! bro, my friend got hacked and I never seen her again. I was with her in her room when she got hacked...
    vanessa vamp 32 (on msp)

  125. Anonymous and the Anonymous on msp is two completely different things. The REAL anonymous is a world hacker group of men who hacks government things but anonymous on msp is just one stupid girl who likes to hack people.
