
Monday, May 28, 2012

The Fight.. Is Officially Over!! xD

Okaai, So You Know The Fight Between Me And SilentsilveR? Well, Its Over. We're Friends. You Don't Need To KNow The Details About What Happened Tho ;'L


  1. yayy thx lottie :) btw do u mind im delting that post about me coping ur u know outfit? how u dont mind -.-

    silentsilver xx

  2. Why should she delete the post? You deserve people to know your name and what you did. It's just life. Deal with it.
    You're lucky she became friends with you. I wouldn't.

  3. oh shhh it and u know what if she doesnt delete it il delete myself on msp
    silentsilver xx

  4. 1) No, I won't "Shhh it". I'm aloud to talk... It's a human right, so don't try and break yet ANOTHER right, k?

    2) Don't give blackmail to Lottie. What you just said is unmistakeable blackmail. That is breaking yet ANOTHER law... Wow. You're becoming such a criminal aren't you, Silentsilver? I bet the next thing you'll do is hate me and start Cyber-bullying: ANOTHER crime.

    3) Don't feel guilty, Lottie... It wasn't your fault. Don't delete the post because if she breaks a law she should get the full punishment. You're really generous to not call the police let alone become her friend. She could change her tune any minute, so take no notice of any of her b-s...

    Oh and Silentsilver if you hate on me, just expect some hate back, k? Feel free to leave a reply... I'll deal with any b-s you want to give me. :)

  5. well its none of ur buisness and its fine lottie at least u posted the fights ova now go away Ari c anyway i dont even know u its not u buisnes!

    1. It is my business, actually... I've been in the same situation as Lottie with some other people so grow up, SilentSilver. I'm aloud to support people that have been in the same position as me, funny enough.

      And also, my user isn't "Ari c" my user is "Ari c:" just for the record.

      Give all the b-s you want. I'm not going to let you take advantage of Lottie like this just because she's kind enough to forgive you.

  6. it isnt any of ur buisness u wernt involved in it the fights ova now get ova ur self u self cow!!

    anyways umm lottie my friend wants to know how do u get those fish at the bottom of ur blog if u wanna reply to her her names rosyrose :)
    silentsilver xx

  7. Thanks for that. I'm not a "self cow" just because I'm right. At least everyone can see your true colours now.

    Just trying to help make things right... So it is my business. As I said before.

  8. Lotties kind and your bieng mean to her and Megan is to nice to be called self cow !

  9. dudes why are you being mean to silentsilver? like i know shes being mean but u guys r the ones that are butting ur noses in so just let it go theyve made up and leave them alone you guys are making it worse


    sorry i dont have account -.-

  10. Just stop commenting if you have nothing nice to say, k?

    I can't be bothered to 'fight' on a WEBSITE anymore.

    Honestly, it's not real life, so why take it so seriously?

    MSP is a game. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Stop calling me stupid names, because, just for the record, I haven't been 'mean' to anybody.

    Did you see what SilentSilver called ME? She called me a self cow. I haven't been at all offensive to her personally, but she in no way has the right to cyber-bully me. Because that's what she is doing.

    I don't care how she puts it, it is cyber-bullying. I'm just stating the plain obvious, not being 'mean'.

    So, shut your traps. I'm done with this.

    1. Ari has a point there she hasnet called anyone a offensive name she was just being smart and saying what was on her mind

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
