
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Danish Updates

Hi Msp! Well, as most of you have heard, the Danish msp have got really cool updates. I don't think its very fair on us, though! They get 3 best friends, 25 levels..... We don't! Who agrees? Comment your name on this post if you agree with me, and you want OUR msp updated! x


  1. I agree, but they updated the Danish MSP first because that's where MSP usually are, they don't live in England, they live in Denmark! I know this because when I got the MSP VIP reciept in my email, they gave their address at the top!

    So they'll obviously update their own country before the others (; But in about 1 or 2 months or so I'm sure the English MSP will get the new updates aswell ;)

  2. total agree by the way im silentsilver on msp

  3. know what u mean i made 1 on it to see and theve go mine profile its no fair!

  4. Totally Agreed!! ;p

  5. how can i download? this game cause i really love it

  6. please reply :(

  7. my name is maria ivony g. enopia as in guttieriez search in facebook and add friend me then teach me how to download please cause i really like it
